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Programme and Presentations

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Day 1: Monday, 14 October
08:00 - 17:00 Conference registration
09:00 - 12:30 Morning session workshops
Workshop 1 Venue: Riverside I
Monitoring and evaluation of sexual and reproductive health services
Presenters: M.E. Khan and Ian Askew (Population Council)
Workshop 2 Venue: Riverside II
Researching violence against women with disabilities (WWDs) by intimate partners and other household members
Presenter: Jill Astbury (Victoria University)
Workshop 3 Venue: Riverside III
Breaking the cycle: Understanding and addressing the intersections of violence against women and violence against children
Presenters: Alessandra Guedes (PAHO/ WHO), Catherine Maternowska (UNICEF), Claudia GarciaMoreno (WHO), and Diana Prieto (USAID)
Workshop 4 Venue: Riverside IV
Designing and analysing research for sexual and intimate partner violence
Presenter: Henriette  Jansen (Senior Consultant)
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Venue: Ballroom I and Foyer
13:30 - 17:00 Afternoon session workshops
Workshop 5 Venue: Riverside I
Trauma and safety while researching sexual violence research
Presenter: Jan Coles (Monash University), Sathya Manoharan (Monash University) and Elizabeth Dartnall (SVRI)
Workshop 6 Venue: Riverside II
Using the UN multicountry study on men and violence
Presenters: Emma Fulu and James Lang (Partners for Prevention)
Workshop 7 Venue: Riverside III
Breaking the cycle: Understanding and addressing the intersections of violence against women and violence against children
Presenters: Alessandra Guedes (PAHO), Catherine Maternowska (UNICEF), Claudia GarciaMoreno (WHO), and  Diana Prieto (USAID)
Workshop 8 Venue: Riverside IV
Developing youthfocused interventions for the primary prevention of genderbased violence in low and middleincome countries
Presenters: Aník Gevers (MRC) and Melissa Adams (Georgetown University)
18:00 - 18:30  Welcome and cocktail event Venue: Ballroom I and Foyer
Welcome to Bangkok and short introduction to research and practice on violence prevention in Asia Pacific
James Lang, Programme coordinator, Partners for Prevention
Video: The UN multicountry study on men and violence
Introduced by Emma Fulu, Research specialist, Partners for Prevention
18:30 - 21:00 Cocktail event


Day 2: Tuesday, 15 October
08:00 - 17:00 Conference registration
09:00 - 11:00   PLENARY SESSION I - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Welcome and opening plenary
Chair: Claudia GarciaMoreno
SVRI Forum 2013
Claudia GarciaMoreno, World Health Organization
Welcome to Thailand and keynote address
Trakul Winitnaiyapak, Deputy Attorney General Thailand
Breaking the cycle: Understanding the intersections between violence against women and violence against children
Alessandra Guedes, Pan American Health Organization/ WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO/WHO)
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break and poster display
11:30 - 13:00   PARALLEL SESSIONS
Parallel session I - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Mental health and conflict
Chair: Judith Bass 
Livestock assets buffer the health affects of trauma among conflict affected rural women in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Nancy Glass
Village savings and loan associations: An economic intervention with positive impact on mental health for sexual violence survivors
Katie Robinette 
Mental health outcomes among women raising a child born from sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Jennifer Scott 
What evidence exists for initiatives to reduce risk and incidence of sexual violence in armed conflict and other humanitarian crises? A systematic review
Chinelo Adogu and Jo Spangaro
Parallel session II - Venue: Riverside I
Global burden of disease
Chair: Claudia GarciaMoreno
Prevalence of intimate partner violence and the risk of depression and problematic alcohol use        
Karen Devries
Global prevalence of nonpartner sexual violence  
Naeemah Abrahams       
Intimate partner violence and the risk of injury, abortion and low birth weight
Christina Pallitto
What does it all mean?
Charlotte Watts
Discussion and policy and advocacy implications
Claudia GarciaMoreno 
11:30 - 13:00 Parallel session IIIVenue: Riverside II
Access to sexual violence services
Chair: M.E. Khan
Towards an integrated and scaled up health-sector response to violence against women: An analysis of state-level responses in Malaysia
Sitihawa Ali
Access to emergency contraception and safe abortion services for survivors of rape and defilement in Sub-Saharan Africa: A regional overview
Jill Thompson, Chi-Chi Undie and Ian Askew
Development of a toolkit to  confidentially screen for GBV among refugees to improve access to services: Evidence from Ethiopia
Andrea Wirtz
General practice service use and satisfaction by women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse: The results from a national cohort study
Jan Coles
Parallel session IV - Venue: Riverside IV
Prevention of intimate partner violence I
Chair: Abigail Hatcher
Engaging Arab male youth as advocates against intimate partner violence
Lina Abirafeh
Feasibility of routine screening for intimate partner violence (IPV) in public health care setting in Kenya
Chi-Chi Undie
Do women around the Pacific experience similar types of violence? Findings from the Pacific family health and safety studies
Henrica A.F.M. Jansen
Violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights in Somalia. Qualitative interviews with Somali born women in Sweden
Ulrica Byrskog
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch and poster display - Venue: Ballroom I and Foyer
GWI and SVRI science fair - Venue: Riverside I
Launch of the GBV research contest
Diana Arango
14:30 - 16:00 PLENARY SESSION II - Venue: Ballroom II/III
UN multi-country study on men and violence in Asia and the Pacific
Chair: James Lang
Prevalence and factors associated with male perpetration of intimate partner violence and non-partner rape: Findings from the UN multi-country study on men and violence in Asia and the Pacific
Emma Fulu 
Prevalence and risk factors for non-partner rape perpetration: Findings from the UN multi-country cross-sectional study on men and violence in Asia and the Pacific
Rachel Jewkes
Exploring experiences and perpetration of violence among an MSM sub-sample: Findings from the UN multi-country study on men and violence in Asia and the Pacific
Stephanie Miedema 
Correlates of gender inequitable attitudes of men in Bangladesh
Ruchira Naved
Role of masculinity, men’s attitudes and childhood experiences in intimate partner violence: Findings from a cross-sectional survey in Nepal and Vietnam
Abhishek Gautam 
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break and poster display
Parallel session I - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Health outcomes and intimate partner violence
Chair: Alessandra Guedes
Domestic violence prior to and during pregnancy among Pakistani women
Rozina Karmaliani
Sexual violence and mental health consequences among Japanese women
Toshiko Kamo
Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and maternal and child health outcomes in Harare, Zimbabwe
Simukai Shamu 
The impact of disability and violence by household members on psychological distress in Cambodian women
Jill Astbury
16:30 - 18:00 Parallel session II - Venue: Riverside I
Sexual violence among different populations
Chair: Gary Barker
Partner and non-partner sexual violence among men who have sex with men in Mpumalanga, South Africa
Kristin Dunkle
Identifying sexual violence and access to HIV service among male refugees in Uganda
Nancy Glass 
The Lingha Boys of Siem Reap: A baseline study of sexually-exploited young men in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Glenn Miles
Experiences of violence among  transgender individuals in Colombia
Fernanda Bianchi
The association between violence and HIV/STI risk behavior among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Central America
Amy Gregowski
Parallel session III - Venue: Riverside II
Sex work, transactional sex and violence
Chair: Carol Ajema
Marginalized and untold: Violence and SRH risks among mobile female sex workers (FSWs) in India
Suvakanta Swain
Constructing transactional sex involving children in an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya
Helen Shipman 
Violence against women and the unmet need for contraceptives
Jane Koziol-McLain
16:30 - 18:00 Parallel session IV - Venue: Riverside IV
Sexual violence in different contexts
Chair: Tandiar Samir
Community based options to providing medical care for survivors of sexual violence: Results from a pilot project in Karen State, eastern Burma
Seng Aung Sein Myint
Review and lessons learned from the project “Health and justice for women facing sexual violence in Central America” 2008-2012 
Kathy Taylor
Sexual scripts as risk factors for sexual victimization: A prospective study with female college students in Brazil    
Lylla Winzer and Barbara Krahé
'Pchiru Shelni' (night hunting in Bhutan): Courtship or coercion?
Tshering Yangden
The impact of public oath-taking ceremonies on SGBV reporting: results from two traditional leadership villages in South Africa
Craig Carty 
18:30 - 21:00 Evening events (parallel events)
MenEngage reception
MenEngage call for action to engage men and boys in preventing violence against women
Gary Barker
Book launch
Domestic violence in Asia. Globalization, gender and Islam in the Maldives
Emma Fulu


Day 3: Wednesday, 16 October
08:00 - 17:00 Conference registration
09:00 - 11:00 PLENARY SESSION III - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Interventions I
Chair: Heidi Lehmann
SASA! study results     
Charlotte Watts and Karen Devries    
Group cognitive processing therapy: A specialized mental health intervention that supports improvements in well-being for sexual violence survivors
Judith Bass
Working with men to prevent violence against women in a conflict-affected setting: A cluster RCT of a male-focused IPV prevention intervention in rural Cote d’Ivoire
Mazeda Hossain
Shifting boundaries: Lessons on relationships for students in middle school
Nan Stein
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break and poster display
Parallel session I - Ballroom II/III
Child abuse and neglect
Chair: Catherine Maternowska
Evidence based strategies for the prevention and response to sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children - what is known
Lorraine Radford
Curbing the intergenerational transmission of trauma:  Outcomes of an intervention for child witnesses of domestic violence and their mothers
Nataly Woollett
CSA,risk factors & health impacts among secondary school students
Grace Mallya
Increasing spate of sexual offences against children and the media in Sri Lanka
Ishra Nazeer
11:30 - 13:00 Parallel session II - Venue: Riverside I
Prevention of intimate partner violence II
Chair: Mary Ellsberg
The role of gender inequality in defining the geographic distribution of partner violence
Lori Heise
Individual and community level correlates of physical violence against unmarried female adolescents in Bangladesh
Ruchira Naved
Findings from a systematic review of reviews on interventions to reduce or prevent violence against women and girls
Diana Arango
Predictors of physical and sexual intimate partner violence in a social intervention in Kampala, Uganda
Shannon Wood 

Responding to gender based violence in countries with limited capacity: Experiences from Pakistan, Myanmar, Central African Republic, Papua New Guinea and Libya
Sarah Martin

  Parallel session II - Venue: Riverside II
Sexual and intimate partner violence and HIV
Chair: Nduku Kilonzo
Intimate partner violence after disclosure of HIV test results among pregnant women in Harare, Zimbabwe
Simukai Shamu
Masculinities, normalization of violence and HIV risk within marriage in India: Exploring the linkage from a study among men from low socio-economic occupations in India
Suvakanta Swain
Youth risk behaviour: HIV and sexual violence among school going youth in Botswana
Tshidi Botshelo Rankoa
A screening tool for GBV among internally displaced populations: improving access to GBV services and HIV testing and care in Colombia
Andrea Wirtz 
  Parallel session IV - Venue: Riverside IV
Sexual violence in conflict and post conflict settings I
Chair: Sarah Martin
Preventing conflict-related mass sexual and gender based violence with early warning analysis
Sara Davies and Jacqui True       
Sexual violence related pregnancies in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and impact on parenting
Shada Rouhani 
Early relationships and marriage in conflict and post-conflict settings: Vulnerability of youth in Uganda
Elizabeth Rowley
Perspectives of husbands on the rape of their partner in conflict areas in eastern DRC
Gary Barker
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch and poster display - Venue: Ballroom I and Foyer
  EC policy brief launch - Venue: Riverside I
Sarah Rich
Parallel session I - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Youth and school based interventions for the prevention of SGBV
Chair: Lori Heise
Engaging youth in violence prevention: Evaluation results from the young men’s initiative in Kosovo
Sophie Namy
Primary prevention of gender based violence: The acceptability of a workshop for parents of teens in South Africa
Aník Gevers 
School-based programmes to address violence against women in Latin American region, with special emphasis on the model developed by the Ministry of Education of Mexico
Manuel Contreras
  Parallel session II - Venue: Riverside I
Responding to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women
Chair: Manisha Metha
Women's evaluation of abuse and violence care in general practice
Kelsey Hegarty
Responding to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women. WHO clinical and policy guidelines - what’s new?
Claudia Garcia-Moreno
Evidence based models for global policy decisions: Outcomes for abused women’s safety, health, and functioning following a shelter stay compared to use of justice services
Judith McFarlane
Violence Free: Improving the lives of marginalized women and girls in Ukraine   
Sara Hodgdon 
Responding to gender based violence in countries with limited capacity: Experiences from Pakistan, Myanmar, Central African Republic, Papua New Guinea and Libya
Sarah Martin
14:30 - 16:00 Parallel session III - Venue: Riverside II
Child sexual abuse
Chair: Shaheda Omar
Responding to abuse: Children's experiences of child protection in a central district, Uganda
Karen Devries 
Culturally sanctioned SGBV as a driver for child perpetration of assault in regions of traditional leadership in Limpopo, South Africa
Craig Carty
Breaking the silence of child sexual abuse in the Caribbean: A community-based action research intervention model
Sandra Reid
  Parallel session IV - Venue: Riverside IV
Sexual violence in conflict and post conflict settings II
Chair: Nancy Glass
Sexual violence and the effects of conflict on women and men in North Kivu, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Preliminary results from IMAGES-DRC
Gary Barker
Sexual violence, female employment and social isolation across five conflict-affected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
Kade Finnoff
Abducted children and youth in Lord's Resistance Army in north eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: Gendered mechanisms of indoctrination and control
Jocelyn Kelly
Challenges to achieving the MISP standard for clinical management of rape in humanitarian crises
Chen Reis
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break and poster display
Parallel session I - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Men and masculinities
Chair: Manuel Contreras
Non-violent husbands in a setting in which marital violence is widely justified: An exploration of "positive deviants” in Bihar
Shireen Jejeebhoy
Transforming masculinities or consolidating patriarchy in Liberia? Messages about men in postwar campaigns against sexual violence
Kerrie Thornhill 
Mechanisms underpinning programs to reduce risk and incidence of sexual violence in armed conflict: Realist analysis of systematic review findings
Jo Spangaro  and Chinelo Adogu
Preventing violence with responsible engaged and loving (REAL) fathers
Melissa Adams 
  Parallel session II - Venue: Riverside I
SASA!: A community mobilisation intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV risk in Kampala
Chair: Charlotte Watts
Overview: The SASA!
Lori Michau
The lived experience of SASA!: A community-based intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV risk in Kampala, Uganda
Nambusi Kyegombe 
How does multi-level IPV prevention influence change on the front lines of intimate partner relationships?: Exploring relational change in couples exposed to the SASA! intervention in Kampala, Uganda
Elizabeth Starmann
Discussion on programme lessons and scale up
Lori Michau
16:30 - 18:00 Parallel session III - Venue: Riverside II
Human trafficking for sexual exploitation
Chair: Chen Reis
The butterfly longitudinal research project. A Chab Dai study on (re-) integration: Researching the lifecycle of sexual exploitation and trafficking in Cambodia
Lim Vanntheary
Victims of trafficking caught in transit in Morocco
Valerie Minne 
Competing conceptions of “successful reintegration" for the sex-trafficked and abused
Luke Bearup
Child trafficking for commercial exploitation: An overview of promising practices for prevention
Yvonne Rafferty
  Parallel session IV - Venue: Riverside IV
Justice responses
Chair: Lina Abirafeh
Relational caring, harm peddling, and penitential receipt: The unique uses and consequences of the victim impact statement in the context of sexual assault victimization
Karen-Lee Miller
Police: Protector or perpetuator?
M.E. Khan
State, law and sexual violence: Legal struggles for gender justice in Turkey
Tugce Ellialti 
Utilisation of a  rape kit in management of sexual violence in low resource settings: Case study of Kenya
Carol Ajema
19:00 - 23:00 Gala dinner - Venue: Riverside I - VIII


Day 4: Thursday, 17 October
09:00 - 11:00 PLENARY SESSION IV - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Intervention II - Economic interventions and costing of sexual assault
Chair: Jill Astbury
Addressing gender norms within economic programming: results from a randomized controlled trial in Côte
Jhumka Gupta  and Kathryn Falb  
The effect of cash, vouchers and food transfers on intimate partner violence: Evidence from a randomized experiment in northern Ecuador
Amber Peterman 
Stepping Stones and Creating Futures intervention: Outcomes of a formative evaluation of behavioural and structural pilot intervention for young people
Andrew Gibbs 
Costing child protection: A cost-benefit analysis of a child protection system in Zimbabwe  
Erin Fletcher 
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break and poster display
11:30 - 13:00 PLENARY SESSION V - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Interventions III
Chair: Rachel Jewkes
Impact evaluation of Tostan's community empowerment program on intimate partner violence and other forms of GBV
Elizabeth Rowley
Sexual behaviour among adolescent survivors and perpetrators of intimate partner violence
Petra de Koker
Growing up safe and healthy (SAFE): An action research testing out an intervention addressing violence against women and girls in Dhaka slums
Ruchira Naved
Engaging religious leaders to prevent violence against women in a religiously-fragmented society  
Lina Abirafeh
Improving formal and informal services for survivors of IPV in Tanzania: Results from a study in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya and Iringa regions
Jennifer McCleary-Sills
13:00 - 13:30 PLENARY SESSION VI - Venue: Ballroom II/III
Closing session
Chair: Alessandra Guedes
Prize Giving
Final remarks and closing
Claudia Garcia-Moreno


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